Rivers and mountain peaks around Dafnospilia

Dafnospilia is a village within the Kallifoni region. It is 17 kilometres from Karditsa at an altitude of 570 metres. The Kalentzis River flows near Dafnospilia. It has a length of 40 kilometres from a source near Apidia and Amarantos and is a tributary of the Pineus. In its waters are fresh water mullet, briana fish and ladouses. Near Dafnospilia there are three springs: the fresh water spring of Mana, the mineral springs of Kaloyianni, and the spring of Vavara. The thickly vegetated peak of Prioni has an elevation of 700 metres and is accessible by car about half the distance to the peak. On the peak of Kazarma there is an observation point at about 600 metres altitude. It is three kilometres west of the village and accessible by a dirt road. The smaller peak of Drakovouni east of the village is also accessible by unpaved road. Among the natural attractions of the village area is a large cave within limestone.

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