Mt. Dirfys

Evia’s highest mountain is also one of the island’s most important landscapes. Its highest peak Delphi, reaches a height of 1743 m. and offers climbers and nature lovers views over both the Aegean Sea and the Euboean gulf. Its southern side is covered with the wild mountain tea plants that the famous eponymous tea is made up of. This is also the greenest section of Dirfys, covered in chestnut, plane, oak and fir trees. In contrast, the northern section facing the Aegean is mostly dry and bare, though two rivers, the Metohiou and Stroponon flow through this area year-round. The mountain is also the source of the island’s two largest rivers, the Messapios and Lilas. Due to the wide variety of both plant and animal species that it supports, Mt. Dirfys is included in the Natura 2000 program.

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