Ambracian Gulf (Amvrakikos)

Known in English literature and history as the Ambracian Gulf, this 400-square-kilometre body of water represents one of the largest wetlands in the region, and is linked to the Ionian sea by a small opening.

With the Arachthos and Louros rivers flowing freely into this gulf, there are fresh water areas that make for a very interesting biotope and ecosystem. Lagoons such as Agrilos, Logarou, Rodia and Tsoukalio – separated from the sea by sand dunes – also encourage biodiversity, incuding the largest reed bed at the Rodia lagoon in the country. There are reportedly over 100,000 species of fauna and flora, with 250 bird species by some counts (75 of which are rare). Marine life has been reduced in recent years, but the area is still an important habitat for cuttlefish, eel, mullet, mussel, shrimp and sole. Unfortunately the rivers bring in much pollution that threatens the wetlands.


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